These timeless volumes offer an unprecedented account of New Norcia’s fascinating history since its inception as a mission in the mid-19th C.
You’ll also learn about the settlement of the early colony of Western Australia, which happened simultaneous to New Norcia’s establishment.
Meet the colourful characters that make up the story of New Norcia, its shift from a mission to a place of education and art, to its role as an icon of Western Australia today.

Issue No. 28, 2022
Worlds Apart: The Different Lives of Santos Salvado Letters from Santos Salvado to Rosendo Salvado, 1866–1879 by Judith McGuinness
The Reluctant Abbot: Dom Anselmo Maria Catalán Formation and First Year by Jim Longbottom
A Series of Guido Reni Copies in the Benedictine Community of New Norcia by Rafael Japón
Cathedral Folly: The Origin of the 1960 Plan to Build a Brutalist Style Cathedral at New Norcia by John Challis
The Abbey Press: New Norcia’s Printing and Publishing History by Joan Oakland
In Bibliotheca Monachorum by Peter Hocking
Archives & Special Collections at Curtin University Library by David Wells & Sally Laming
Telling Stories: Using the Beauty of the Old & New to Tell Stories for WA Museum Boola Bardip by Bobbie Bruce
Issue No. 27, 2021
A Person of Many Qualities: Francisco de Asís Marsá i Amigó by Marta Pérez Rey
Selvaggi or Nativi? European and Colonial Perspectives on the Encounter with the Other in the Experience of a Missionary in Nineteenth-century Western Australia by Federica Verdina & John J Kinder
A Photographic Encounter with Fr Lesmes Lopez OSB & His Collected Works at New Norcia by Jim Longbottom
Salvado & the Missionary Group of 1853 by Hilaire Natt
The Death and Funeral of Bishop Torres by Geoffrey Coad
Forty-nine Years: Judith Butler’s Story by Larrie Strautmanis
Giving Voice to the Silent Witnesses: The Photographic Collection in the New Norcia Archives by Geraldine Byrne
Vale Joy Legge by Dom Christopher Power, OSB
Issue No. 26, 2019
Benevolent Benedictines? Vulnerable Missions and Aboriginal Policy in the Time of AO Neville by Elicia Taylor
‘Moretti’: Racialised Children Caught Up in the Networkings of Print by Liz Conor
Analysis & Conservation of Two 17th Century Dutch Ecclesiastical Textiles by Ian D MacLeod & Rinske Car
‘Your Lordship, My Dearest Brother’: Letters from Santos Salvado to Rosendo Salvado, 1849–1866 by Judith McGuinness
New Norcia Into the 20th Century: Bishop Torres & Education at New Norcia 1901–1914 by Geoffrey Coad
The Abbey Press, New Norcia: History & Type Specimens of a Monastic Printshop by Claire Bolton
Salvado’s Faithful Companion, Bigliagoro by Larrie Strautmanis
James Walsh, Convict Artist in Western Australia by Robert Stevens
Fr Anthony Lovis, OSB, 1942–2019
Issue No. 25, 2018
‘Violence & Visionaries’: Jimmy Walsh & the ‘Templemore Miracles’, 1920 by John Reynolds
Imag(in)ing God: New Norcia’s Contemporary Religious Art Collection by Ted Snell
A Remarkable Couple: Mary Helen Pangieran & Benedict Cuper by Larrie Strautmanis
New Norcia Into the 20th Century: The Establishment of the Drysdale River Mission by Geoffrey Coad
The Map Collection: A Window into the Past by Andrew Walton
The Monastery Chronicle, 1911 by Geoffrey Coad (translator) and Fr David Barry, OSB (editor)
Dom Santos Salvado at New Norcia, 1869-1879 by Bob Reece
Some Observations on the Relationship of Melody & Text in Dom Stephen Moreno’s Adoro Te by Fr Robert Nixon, OSB
New Norcia Studies Journal 1993-2018: The First Twenty-five Years by Peter Hocking

Issue No. 24, 2017
‘My Never-forgotten Friend & Brother’: The Salvado–Bérengier Correspondence by Judith McGuiness
A Flood of Reflections: Mauro Rignasco’s Life Through Letters by Lawrence Rhoads
The Square Scroll: Blacksmithing at New Norcia by John Kagi
New Norcia Into the 20th Century: Torres’ Governance of New Norcia from 1901–1914 by Geoffrey Coad
With Eyes Fixed on Heaven…& the Bottom Line: The Spiritual & Economic Sustainability of New Norcia, a Town Like No Other by John Herbert, OSB, and Peter Hocking
Networks of Friendship & Family: Spanish Benedictine Women at New Norcia by Katharine Massam
Farming in the Town of New Norcia by Larrie Strautmanis
Remembering Them: New Norcia & WWI Research & Exhibition by Marina Baker

Issue No. 23, 2016
Salvado’s Archives: A Unique Legacy by Peter Hocking
The Well Diggers of New Norcia by Ross Bertinshaw
Voicing a Language: Italian & Italians in the New Norcia Archives by Federica Verdina
Print Impressions of the Yued Noongar in Salvado’s ‘Memorie Storiche’ Engravings by Liz Conor
Australia’s Spanish Bishops at the First Vatican Council by Peter Price
‘A Most Useful Contribution to Science’: Salvado’s Third Consignment of Noongar Objects & Italian Prehistoric Archaeology by Lucy Davidson and John Kinder
Cash, Convicts & Catholicism: Catholic Ministry to Convicts & Church-State Relations in Colonial Western Australia by Odhran O'Brien
Constructing Friendships with Letters: Some Observations on Friendship and its Linguistic Expression in the Correspondence of Rosendo Salvado’s Epistolary Network by Francesco de Toni
‘Nothing But a Noble Desire & a Beautiful Ideal’: Rosendo Salvado’s Final Report to Propaganda Fide (1900) by Stefano Girola
Rosendo Salvado’s Voyages Between Europe & Australia 1845–1899 by David Barry, OSB
George Russo, 1928–2015 by Bob Reece
Vale, Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Corgenven Bolton AO by Geraldine Byrne