Pax (peace) has been the emblem of the Benedictine Community of New Norcia for generations. It captures the essence of the spiritual lives of the monks and the ambience of the monastic town where they have lived for 177 years. The sense of peace is palpable here.
PAX was also the name of a publication produced by the monks of New Norcia for 14 years in the mid-20th century. It started out as a simple parish news sheet and grew to a newspaper with a distribution across the Western Australian Catholic community.
Many of our long-time friends and supporters will be familiar with the Friends magazine that got its start in the early 2000s and has been an important way for the Community to communicate latest news and events for nearly two decades.
With the recent upgrade of The Chimes, these "articles of substance" are now being published on a more regular basis in this monthly newsletter. All the latest updates in one easy to access digital format – always free to our Friends! (Click here to become one if you're not.)
Our new magazine is PAX, a biannual publication that we regard as "food for the soul". It includes in-depth articles on a particular theme (changes each issue), plus arts and culture, history and thought-provoking ideas on Benedictine spirituality and modern Christian practice.
We'd like to offer our first digital version of the magazine to you as our gift. The theme is Humility, and along with several feature articles, this issue includes poetry, art, photography, book reviews, and some tantalizing history of our special place on the map. We hope you enjoy it – and invite you to share it with your friends and family.
Single copies:
Print: $25
Digital: $13
Subscriptions (2/year):
Print: $40
Digital: $20
Print & Digital: $45