Message from the Director

In our increasingly complex modern world, many people are keenly seeking out the wisdom and secrets of ancient traditions, to equip themselves with powerful tools to meet the challenges of today. Benedictine monasticism is a movement which has been a powerful transformative force for over 1,500 years, and uses the practices of discipline, silence, solitude, and meditation to promote a way of life which is stable, strong and successful. This complex, ancient and beautiful expression of our spiritual heritage has many time-tested secrets for cultivating inner peace, contentment and resilience. The retreat and study progammes of the New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies aim at unlocking these priceless treasures for our participants.

In 2025, we are excited to unveil a varied and stimulating range of retreats and study programmes. As well as weekend retreats, a number of one-day events are also on offer. In keeping with the Benedictine charism of hospitality, the monastic community is delighted to welcome as our guests persons from all backgrounds of life and all traditions. Our scenic and serene environment and the quiet prayerfulness of the monastic routine form the perfect backdrop for seeking and finding peace, enlightenment, renewal and clarity.

In pace Christi,
Fr. Robert Nixon, osb

Weekend and Day Start and Finish Times

The first session for all Weekends Retreats begins at 7:30pm on the Friday (Participants are encouraged to attend Vespers at 6:30pm, followed by dinner, if possible). The final session for each weekend will conclude at 11:30am on the Sunday.

One-day events all commence at 9:00am on Saturday, in the monastery guesthouse, and conclude at 5:00pm. Attendees may arrive earlier for a cup of coffee. Participants in one-day events may also arrange overnight accommodation through our guesthouse.

Custom Retreats

The NNIBS is delighted to be able to offer 'custom' retreats, for groups of four or more participants, subject to availability. These retreats, presented by monks of the monastery, can be adapted to the particular needs and interests of the group, and scheduled on any mutually convenient dates. If you are interested in organising a special retreat for a group, please contact Fr. Robert Nixon, OSB, at

Individual Retreats

Persons are welcome to stay in the monastery guesthouse to make individual retreats. These may be done without direction, simply allowing the experience of prayer, silence and solitude to enrich and renew one’s spirit. Alternatively, it is often possible to arrange for a monk qualified in spiritual direction to meet daily with retreatants. Inquiries should be directed to the monastery guesthouse, at