Wednesday, 8th November 2023
Who was Peter Lewis?
Since at least 1995 there have been regular, recurring requests to the archives for information on “Peter Lewis”. He has been described as a monk, an alter ego for Fr Francisco Salvadó, as a relative of Bishop Salvado’s and as a workman at New Norcia.
Wednesday, 8th November 2023
The Chimes - November 2023
This November issue includes the 5th International Benedictine Oblates Congress, a look back at the 2023 New Norcia Library Lecture and an answer to the puzzling document from the archives!
Thursday, 2nd November 2023
Safeguarding Audit 2023
New Norcia has completed its Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited (ACSL) 2023 audit.
Friday, 6th October 2023
The Chimes - October 2023
This October issue includes a rare Eucharistic celebration of Fr. David’s diamond jubilee of priestly ordination, a look back at the monastic community retreat and a puzzling document from the archives that hopefully our readers can help solve!
Monday, 11th September 2023
The Chimes - September 2023
The September issue includes a special celebration of our grand Moser organ, a look back at one of our recent Abbot's Table events and a special acknowledgement of our volunteers in the archives.
Tuesday, 15th August 2023
Western Australian History Foundation Grant 2023
We are delighted to announce that the Western Australian History Foundation has granted the archives $6,000 towards the publication of a new book in the archives’ Abbey Press series.
Monday, 14th August 2023
The Chimes - August 2023
This month's issue includes a special double celebration in St. Gertrude's, Christmas in July, training the next olive oil judges and much more.
Wednesday, 5th July 2023
The Chimes - July 2023
Our July newsletter includes some exciting new arrivals, repairs and relocations as well as the latest events and happenings in the town.
Tuesday, 6th June 2023
Message from the Abbot
Abbot John shares his thanks on behalf of the Community for the handling of a serious incident on the New Norcia Bypass, 3 June 2023.
Thursday, 1st June 2023
Happy Autumn Happenings
New Norcia has been a hive of activity as the cooler season sets in, including two King's Coronation events, a visit from the Porsche Club of Perth, and a community service day trip from Lumen Christi students.