Friday, 8th November 2019
Institute for Benedictine Studies - 2020 Programme
![Institute for Benedictine Studies - 2020 Programme](
In keeping with St Benedict’s Rule of hospitality for guests, the Monastery Guesthouse is a place of retreat for individuals and groups from all walks of life and beliefs seeking to quietly share the simple life, prayers and rhythms of the Benedictine monastic community of New Norcia.
A Message From the Director
The ministry of hospitality is one of the key elements of the Benedictine monastic charism. This hospitality assumes many and diverse forms; but one of the most significant and fruitful expressions of it in recent times is the offering of opportunities for spiritual development, for study and for prayerful reflection. The various retreats and study weekends offered by the New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies continue in this tradition. Participants in our weekends have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the tranquility, peace and beauty of a traditional monastic environment, and to encounter God- and themselves- in a renewed way.
Our offerings for 2019 generated much enthusiastic appreciation, and attracted very strong attendances. We are confident that our programme for 2020 will build upon this, and continue to address the needs and interests of contemporary spiritual seekers in an engaging and reflective way.
We hope that you will find something of interest here, and look forward to your visit to New Norcia in 2020.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Robert Nixon, osb