Wednesday, 4th March 2020
New Norcia's Final Audit Report - CPSL

The Catholic Professional Standards Ltd (CPSL) has published a Final Audit Report which includes the results of the Benedictine Community of New Norcia's compliance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS).
The NCSS provides a framework for Catholic Church entities to build safe cultures and environments and to ensure that safeguarding practices are consistently applied across the Catholic Church in Australia.
Overall Audit Findings
“Compliance with the NCSS Indicators has been assessed using a four-point maturity scale. Our assessment indicates that BCNN has fully implemented or has substantially progressed in the implementation of 105 (99%) of the 106 Indicators which are relevant to their operations."
To download a Media Release by CPSL "Safeguarding Audit for the Benedictine Community of New Norcia Published" please click here.
To download the Final Audit Report by CPSL, please click here.