Thursday, 1st September 2022
The Institute for Benedictine Studies 2023 Retreat Programme

We are pleased to announce the 2023 retreat programme for the Institute for Benedictine Studies has been released.
Message from the Director: At the centre of our monastic spirituality is the recognition that our closest encounters with God most often occur in times of silence and solitude, when we are able to get away from the busyness of the world and flee from the distractions and anxieties which can so easily plague the human heart and mind. It was thus that the ancient prophet Elijah (a prototype of monastic life) found God, not in the fire, nor in the earthquake, nor in the rushing wind, but in the “still, small voice” speaking gently to his soul. At New Norcia, we aim to be a place of encounter with the Divine, where the ear of the heart can be sensitively attuned to the voice of God communicating within.
In 2023, we are excited to offer a varied and stimulating range of retreats and study weekends. In keeping with the Benedictine charism of hospitality, the monastic community is delighted to welcome as our guests persons from all backgrounds of life and all traditions. Our scenic and serene environment and the quite prayerfulness of the monastic routine form the perfect backdrop for seeking and finding peace, enlightenment, renewal and clarity.
To download the programme, click here.