Tuesday, 21st March 2023
Magical Stories of the Queen of Heaven

Fr Robert Nixon has a new book available entitled Imperatrix Aeterna: Magical Stories of the Queen of Heaven, published by Hadean Press, a well-respected English academic publisher which specialises in folklore, mythology and spiritual arcana.
The volume include translations of two important collections of miracles involving the Mother of God – the first (dating from the 13th century) is by the mysterious Benedictine hermit-pope, St Celestine V and the second (dating from about 400 years later) is by Ippolito Marracci, a prolific and popular Marian author of the Baroque era. Many of the stories are beautiful and touching, while others are strange, fantastical and even slightly heterodox, reflecting the dynamic and complex syncretism of medieval folk-Catholicism.
Samples of three stories from this volume are included in the inaugural edition of PAX magazine.
The paperback edition is now available through the New Norcia gift shop and features specially commissioned artwork by UK artist Rosa Laguna. A limited-edition sewn hardback version will also be available in the near future.