May 26 2023toMay 28 2023
May 20 2023
Abbot’s Table: Autumn 2023 Booked Out
On October 10 2020, Abbot John donned a kitchen apron to share his former life as a chef, working in some of Melbourne’s finest restaurants of the 1980s. In 2021 a series of seasonal dinners in the French tradition was offered and we are pleased to announce...
May 20 2023
Apr 28 2023toApr 30 2023
Guesthouse Retreat
Female Benedictine Mystics of the Middle Ages: St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. Gertrude the Great, and others
While monasteries and convents of Benedictine nuns flourished throughout Europe during the entire Middle Ages, the amount of writings left to us, in comparison with male Benedictines of the same period, is relatively small.
Apr 22 2023
Mar 31 2023toApr 2 2023
Guesthouse Retreat
Letting Go
As we journey through life, we are in a continual process of ‘letting go’, in many different ways. This letting go can be the result of the loss of loved ones, of the process of ageing, of relationship changes, and families growing up, etc.
Mar 18 2023
Mar 10 2023toMar 12 2023
Feb 24 2023toFeb 26 2023
Guesthouse Retreat
Lenten Retreat: The Seven Last Words of Christ, with St Bonaventure Booked Out
The 'Seven Last Words of Christ' refer to the seven utterances of Jesus during His final hours upon the cross. These utterances express a summation of His entire message, and have provided fruitful and profound meditation for Christians for many centuries.
Feb 18 2023
Abbot’s Table: Summer 2023 Booked Out
On October 10 2020, Abbot John donned a kitchen apron to share his former life as a chef, working in some of Melbourne’s finest restaurants of the 1980s. In 2021 a series of seasonal dinners in the French tradition was offered and we are pleased to announce...