Benedictine monks: What we do

Monks of the Order of St. Benedict lead a life of prayer, work, solitude and community, according to the wisdom of the ancient Rule of St. Benedict. We pray the Divine Office together several times each day (beginning before the rising of the sun), and celebrate the mystery of the holy Eucharist daily. You can view our prayer timetable here. Leaving behind the distractions and anxieties of the secular world as far as we are able, we pursue a life of simplicity and contemplation within our monastic enclosure. We diligently cultivate silence and solitude, yet we also live as a fraternal community of brothers, supporting and encouraging each other in our vocation.

Hospitality to guests is an important element of Benedictine spirituality, and monks are involved in this ministry in various ways. Sacred reading or lectio divina and the love of learning are also key components of our tradition. Some monks, after completing the necessary formation, are ordained to the priesthood. Above all, our life as monks is directed towards the contemplation of the eternal glory and splendor of God, and offering a witness of faith to the world.

How does a person become a Benedictine monk?

Persons interested in becoming monks must be practising Catholics, unmarried, and Australian citizens or eligible to live in Australia. The first step for persons interested in monastic life is normally to visit the monastery, and to “come and see”. During that time, the visitor (or observer) will become familiar with monastic life and the monastery itself, meet the monks who form the community, and follow the regular timetable of prayer.

If a person then feels called to try monastic life more seriously, they enter the monastery as a postulant. After this, they become a novice. A novice makes no vows, but is expected to follow the Rule of St. Benedict, and will receive appropriate instruction and formation. Novices will also be assigned various duties within the monastery. The next step is temporary vows, which normally last for three years. The final step is solemn profession, which is a life-long commitment to the vocation of Benedictine monasticism, entailing vows of stability, obedience, and conversatio morum (including poverty, chastity, and obedience.)


For more information, please contact New Norcia’s Vocations Director, Fr. Robert Nixon, OSB, at: